The Beacon
This was a periodical
produced by 84 Field Survey Squadron RE
This is a reproduction of the first edition.
Sqn HQ
We welcomed 2LT Hoadley on 15 Aug 59 who has now taken over
2i/c duties from 2LT Mackie. Mr Mackie left us for demob on 17 Aug
after. completing a ten month's stint.
We also had a very short but pleasant visit from Col D MacDonald, the
Director of Survey (Designate) Aust Army on 28 & 29 Jul, He was
accompanied by no Svy FARELF Maj J.E.Nolan R.Aust Svy,
Sprs Ritchie and Lettice (chippy) recently arrived decided to get
themselves temporarily posted and are presently playing hermits at
Kinrara. It is not known as yet if they are taking full advantage of
their vacation and refusing their four day's remission.
L/Cpl Morris and Spr Broderick are now qualified projectionists, but
have not yet displayed their prowess, both being hospitalised. L/Cpl
Morris strained himself ,jerk lifting two light - weight blankets, but
is expected to be fit to renew acquaintance with his pitchfork on RHE.
He is at present in BMH Kinrara, while Broderick is undergoing
treatment in BMH Singapore.
We have had a change on the RAPC front, welcoming Pte Roberts who has
taken over from Cpl Watson. The latter left us a few days ago for
The SSM having recently been taught how to squirt water and do battle
with foam extinguishers has singled out a trained play - mate in Jock
Kerrigan. They are now Unit Fire Officer and NCO respectively - merely
a blind in order that they may play officially.
On Thursday 20 Aug, all ranks and their families assembled in the
Recreation Room to pay their last respects. That happy institution has
now, alas, gone dry by kind permission of “higher authority". The OC
with due deference to the seriousness of the occasion called the LAST
DRINKS and is still trying to reconcile the numbers present with the
size of the bill.
M.T. Section
Transport !!! stacks of it. REME workshops can now have a holiday as
all outstanding repairs and modifications have been completed.
However, after some of our drivers have been turned loose on the road
for a few days, with just a little assistance from Redford, this no
doubt will soon be remedied and Workshops will be back in business.
The problem for a change is not "have we a vehicle" but "have we a
driver "? Broderick is under treatment in BMH Singapore, Ritchie
vacationing for 28 days at MCTC Kinrara (at the OC's invitation) and
the recent return to UK of Fridge, Caple and Daley. Also, Cpl Seville
has the week off, as he is being taught by 27 Coy how to repair a
puncture in three easy lessons in preparation for his BIII trade test.
Another course in the offing is a three months sweat for Spr Knight.
He is off to. Singapore for AII VM trg. Will probably come back with a
distinct REME outlook on life. It's bad enough with Cpl. Seville and
his RASC ways, carrying a tin of Red Lead around with him,
News from the Detachment at Tanah Merah is scarce so apparently
transport is still functioning They have now learnt how to make out an
AFP 1922 and are making full use of their knowledge, much to the
dismay of HQ REME at Seremban„
We are taking just a little longer nowadays to performs miracles,- and
allowing the impossible to pend until happier days are here again. We
are very short staffed with. L/Cpl Morris at BMH Kinrara and Spr
Lettice, the chippy to the uninformed, keeping Ritchie company for
some 28 days the MCTC Rest House, Kinrara. Fortunately Cpl Hayburst is
back on the job again after having his tonsils decarbonised at BMH
We suffered a grevious loss last June when L/Cpl Parker left for
cooler climes and civvy street. Parker will be remembered by all as
the Unit chippy, surveyor, clerk, computer, storeman, draftsman etc
etc. The latest addition to the Q Staff is a son to SQMS & Mrs Hibbett on the 15 . Heartiest congratulations to the proud parents
from all ranks.
We have just received 17 sterling machine carbines. These were most
welcome to the field troops being collapsible and much lighter than
the stens. We are also expecting a Browning in the near future to
mount on one of the Scout Cars. Six Negretti and Zambra Altimeters
have arrived. three of these are in Borneo and the other three still
undergoing field trials at Sqn HQ. The OC has designed a collapsible
whirling psychrometer to go with the altimeters and Cpl Hayhurst is
currently manufacturing them. Very little is known of the B & H
Whirling Psychrometer, Hand, Collapsible MK 1 59 Pat, One usually
reliable source reports that the prototype looked a bundle of sticks,
but emits soft fluting Pooh like noises accompanied by puffs of blue
smoke at regular five minute intervals.
Only one major problem has been encountered this week and most
satisfactorily solved. One of our big footed detachment requested
Jungle boots size 11. No Jungle Boots size 11 available but 4
pairs of size 3 dispatched immediately.
Carto Tp
The pencil power of the Squadron is maintaining its fantastic record
of sheer hard work, efficiency and all round brilliance. Not for Carto
Tp the glamour and comfort of jungle patrols, Cook's tours of tropic
isles and virgins of Borneo. They certainly serve who only stay at Sqn
HQ and work, Not that life here is all work and no play; why only nine
months ago Carto Tp had half a days' stand down when the electricity
supply failed.
At present 12 members of Carto are attached to 570 Map Repro Tp in,
the wilds of Singapore. This is a TOP SECRET detachment about which
and of whom little is known. However the last smoke signal received
informed us that Fairchild and Craine had both scrambled onto the
bottom-rung of the ladder and are now Lance Corporals, As Sir William
Slim would say "every soldier carries a field marshals baton in his
The only other recent elevation was that. of M. Maunder from Corporal
to Sgt. This chap by the way has only been with the-Sqn for six months
and ready pining for the joys of East Africa from whence he came.
Multiplex of course forms the nucleus of the Tp and Spr Elcombe left
that happy band only last week to return to Civvy St and Ordnance
Survey. This leaves L/Cpls Taylor, Gordon, Sprs Callow and Donnelly
battling for the pleasure of working the 0100 - 0700 hrs shift. The
first three by the way are currently slaving for their AII trade
The remainder of the Tp come and go with some abandon altho we have
had Marsh and Jones 4D amongst us for some time. The rest are
generally happy types living in semi-retirement until that happy day
when they can go on detachment. However, good use has been made of
these poor lost souls and they can now wield pen and ink with the best
of them.
Sgt Kirk of course goes on forever and has recently proved his mettle
by issuing works instructions to the Multiplex gang by telephone in
the middle at the night. Unfortunately the next morning he couldn't
even remember the telephone call, let alone what instructions he gave.
Subsequent events showed that his instructions were OK, which must
prove something! He has also become the HQ interpreter having
successfully completed a Malay language course recently.
Only one new boy lately, Spr Talbot on 1 Aug 59. He is a draughtsman
type and may eventually find his way down to Singapore, but in the
meantime is compiling madly.
Hill Life by E.L.Woolley
Borneo is a very mountainous country, with swift flowing rivers and
jungle covered hills. In the Northern part of Borneo these hills are
inhabited by Dusuns or Kadazans as they prefer to be called. We have
recently been working in the most mountainous areas about forty miles
from Jesselton-and have come into close contact with these hill
people. The hill Kadazan is a short, powerfully built person, with
black hair and a light brown skin. They are very strong walkers when
young, and can run up and down the narrow jungle tracks, which often
are along rivers, like goats.
Their diet consists of Hill Padi, which is grown in a ladang cleared
in the jungle - often on an incredibly steep slope, and Tapioca. They
this with fish or game caught in the rivers or jungle and with some
vegetables, usually a type of cucumber or limes. However they
glean many types of edible plants and fruit from the jungle.
Game is numerous in these areas and the locals are adept at making
traps for rats and monkeys (usually found on fallen logs) and for
catching wild pigs. One of the traps for the latter is now forbidden
by the Government, since it consisted of. a very sharp piece of bamboo
sprung back on a path. The trap was so designed that anything walking
along the track would be pinned through the body. If a pig, through
the shoulder, if a human being, through the thigh. Because of many
accidents caused to people the trap was forbidden, however one still
comes across these traps in remote areas.
It is amusing to watch one of these people cut down a large jungle
tree. They make a rough platform of two sticks and one or two cross
struts joined by creepers, then they run up, on to the platform and.
start cutting with a short handled axe; however in a while one hears a
loud cry and sees a little figure running back up the hill. The tree
gives a loud groan and- then hurtles down the hill taking smaller
trees and branches with it. These areas used to be much more densely
populated, but during the Japanese occupation the people could not get
salt or medicines and as result many of them have goitres or are
crippled in some way. They live in bamboo houses usually high above a
valley bottom, and keep pigs and poultry around the house. They have
few things to amuse themselves. The main musical instruments are the
Simputan, a kind of bamboo bagpipe; the Tongongah, a bamboo stringed
instrument which sounds like a gong; gongs made of bronze; the Binkou,
resembling a Jew's harp; and one also sees a nose flute occasionally.
They make alcoholic drinks from rice which they
call Tapei and also from Tapioca and coconut sap they make Baah; all
of these arc fairly strong and they drink them in large quantities.
One must be careful not to sup too strongly in a kampong for the
tracks go straight up and down the hills and one fall may be your
The Hill Kadazan is a friendly, honest and hardworking man who manages
to do everything with the aid of a parang and bamboo
Hong Kong Detachment
A detachment commanded, by :- Captain R.M.Mangles RE and comprising
LCpl Taylor D.R.
Sprs Bates
and Jewsbury
Shed the warmth and security of Squadron Headquarters for 'Foreign
climes’ , embarking Singapore 17 Sep 58 on the TT "'Oxfordshire" for
Hong Kong.
Met at Kowloon, by the Regimental Survey Officer, 49 Field Regt RA,
the detachment were accommodated at Sek Kong Camp under the auspices
of 49 Field Regt. RA.
With Sek Kong Camp as its Base HQ, the detachment set about its task
and the only recorded matters of interest during the settling in
period were (a) the admission to Hospital of Spr Bates and (b) LCp1
Taylor's promotion to Acting Cpl.
On the 25 November the detachment moved and made its HQ at WHITEFIELD
BARRACKS,, KOWLOON, again with the 'Gunners' - Hosts this time being
NO 3 independent Amphibious Observation Troop RA.
Sprs Dunbar and Dunlop pulled LCp1 on 25-Dec-58, (what a nice way to
say “Merry Xmas")- and in that rank LCpl Dunbar left the Orient for
the UK and Civvy Street. Cpl Taylor did likewise on 9 Feb 59 and Spr
Bates followed, on 5 May 59.
In early May, SSgt Whalley left Sqn HQ and joined the detachment,
eventually taking up the reins from Captain Mangles as ic Detachment.
Here let us stand for the customary 3 minutes silence in memory of
bachelor who joined the ranks of the "Harassed Henpecked Husbands"
when on the 23 May 59 in Hong Kong, Captain Mangles and Miss Mary Rose
Hodgen became man & wife. To the happy couple, hearty congratulations
and best wishes from all ranks.
On handing over to SSgt Whalley, Captain and Mrs Mangles said goodbye
to Hong Kong and after a brief stay in Kuala Lumpur moved on to
Jesselton where Capt Mangles took up the appointment of Oic N. BORNEO
For one Spr Jewsbury June 59 was a happy month with his appointment to
LCpl on the 11th and the arrival, from UK, of Mrs Jewsbury on the 5th.
We trust that, by now, Mrs Jewsbury has settled dawn in her new home
and is enjoying life to the full in the FAR EAST.
Work on this Detachment is so Top Secret that nobody knows what they
are doing,
Tanah Merah Det
Location: Kelantan. Within 40 m of Kota Bharu on nearly continuous
made up road.
Population: Predominantly Malay.
Activities: Typical
Entertainment: Tanah Merah Talkies
Transport: Three trains a week or Cpl Dunn's car
0i/c Detachment | Capt R.M.Kennedy RE |
2ic | Lt Mustapha Yusoff RPC |
Detachment Troop Sgts | Sgt Usher, Sgt Aziz, Sgt Chin |
The detachment is housed in a white boarded compound just out of the
town of TANAH MERAH. The compound was originally built as a
fairground so some of the accommodation is under wooden framed
asbestos roofs whilst the remainder is under canvas. The trig office,
detachment office and armoury are housed on the stage with a yellow
parachute hung from the apex of the roof to shield the occupants from
the sun.,
The food for detachment in purchased in Kota Bharu mainly from the
Cold Storage so the standard of meals is very high. Quite often
however the Ration truck gets held up enroute at the GUILLEMARD Bridge
over the S.KELANTAN. This is a magnificent iron grinder railway bridge
which only recently has been tarmaced between the track to allow road
transport to use it as well as Malayan Railways. However considerable
delays are experienced by all road users as at least 15 minutes has to
be allowed before trains are due as well as single way traffic when in
use. The bridge is officially closed to road traffic at 6.30 pm every
night which rather hampers night revels in Kota Bharu.
Just outside Kota Bharu, is the well known Beach of Passionate Love; a
truly excellent beach of golden sands and Coconut palms. A nearby
restaurant has a dance on Thursday evenings which is well attended by
the local beauties (and the B.O.R’s).
Since the arrival of '84' in Tanah Merah there are one or two items of
news that are worth recording to interest the more detached
Visitors :
Col D.MacDonald R.Aust Svy
DAD Svy Maj Nolan
Maj T.R. Burrows
Maj Silk
Capt Kennedy spent about one week in Kota Bharu hospital after being
bitten by hornets on way to trig station.
Cpl Dunn and Pte Tait have had their first day in the Ulu on a
re-supply party to L/Cpl Pilcher on Bukit Kemahang. It may be added
they no longer found the surveyors lot an easy one and that driving
was certainly not more strenuous.
The last party to go out went by train and then boat to the point.
This in itself is surely enough to make the 'older' surveyors turn
The next point to be visited will see the theodolite set up wither on
a lighthouse, locally constructed wooden tower or a gantry.
Sprs Holden and Craigs have been out on operations since 7 July and
are expected out in about a fortnight meaning all the scheduled points
will have been visited.
Capt Kennedy took part in the Sultans Birthday Parade on the Padang in
Kota Bharu last week.
Capt Ratnam left Tanah Merah on Thu 13 Aug 59 for UK where he will be
going on a small Arms Course at Hythe. Lt Mustapha arrived few
days before to complete the handover.
The detachment's fire power has now been increased with the arrival of
six Sterlings. These have been found very compact and convenient
especially when carrying full bergens.
A recruitment drive is now going full swing with the result that quite
a few of the 'unconverted' are seriously considering an extension of
their tour in the Royal Engineers.
L/Cpl Taylor is now in the Cameron Highlands recovering from a recent
stay in BMH Kinrara. His place with the troop has been filled by L/Cpl
Cpl Deering is the most recent arrival with the idea perhaps, that
with an eye on the recruitment drive, the way to the men's heart is
through their stomachs!
A few BOR's are now attending church in Kota Bharu regularly and are
looking forward to possible-visits the Padre and also the priest from
Pte Tait holds the 'demob stick' up here with less than nine weeks
remaining of his two years in the A.C.C.
The detachment is now living. at KASIGUI, a small town six miles SE of
Jesselton, and at present consists of
Oic Capt R.M. Mangles
Cpl M.H. Vickers
LCpl P.D. Wood
Spr G.M. Norsworthy
“ J.R. Saunders
" J.W. Bradley
" A.R. Thomas
" E.L. Wooley
Pte S.A. Hagemeyer
of the original party of five who arrived at Kudat in February only
three remain. S Hyslop is bow happily settled in civilian life, and Lt
Todd, the original Oic has returned to Malaya to supervise family
life. Whilst on this subject our congratulations are again extended to
Maj and Mrs. Burrows and Lt and Mrs. Todd on the arrival of their
respective children.
On the 31st of May we bade farewell to I.A. (Jock) Fridge who will by
now be a civilian, his replacement is G.M. Norsworthy, a newcomer to
the Far East, who has spent the last 2½ years arduously employed in a
TA, (holiday) camp at Brighton. Another newcomer to North Borneo is
Capt R.M. MANGLES who accompanied by his wife, arrived on 28 June to
take over command from 2/Lt J.M. URE. The latter left us on 9 Aug
returning to KUALA. LUMPUR prior to UK and civilian life once more.
This is a comfortable camp consisting of a PWD bungalow overlooking
the Moyog river-and Penampang Police station with a clear view on some
days of the Crocker range and Mt Kinabalu and Gunong Alab. Designed to
accommodate one man the bungalow now holds ten, mostly on the floor,
but nevertheless pretty comfortable with dunlopillo, electricity,
water etc. NAAFI supplies from 67 Sqn at Kota Belud keep spirits up
and the price of beer down. The main recreation in the evenings is
bridge; this seems to have almost the whole detachment in its grip and
for some has become almost an obsession, although we have yet to see a
Facit on the bridge table
At week ends there is, cricket, swimming and badminton in Jesselton
of course the Sports Club to which we all belong as honorary members.
On the technical side, the work is probably known to most of the
Squadron by now - a mixture of trig and photo annotation. The main
difference to Malaya are the greater-ease of access to the hills, the
lack of communications and the necessity for living off the land
without air supply. This last is made possible by the comparatively
large number of kampongs where the headmen or "orang tuas” always
provide a hut for the night and are generally extremely helpful. The
hills are generally_ much higher here than in Malaya, averaging about
5500 feet Mt Kinabalu, a primary trig point, is 13,400
feet. All ranks are now familiar with the life and habits of the hill
Dusans and in some cases have adopted their customs and speak their
language so well as to prefer them to their own! Not a bad thing since
we rely on the Dusan for our porters and guides and on their
hospitality and friendliness for shelter and information.
We are all agreed here that this is a most pleasant part of the world
to live and work in, not only because of the interest of an
undeveloped country and the reasonable climate, but mainly because of
the cooperation and genuine friendship of the people both European and
Whilst we were still at TUARAN we issued a cricket challenge to the
Jesselton Sports Club which was promptly accepted. We were able to
field 8 players and the deficiency was made up by members of the
Jesselton Sports Association. Our team toiled nobly for about 5 hours
but were eventually beaten (no scores mentioned) Notable in the
batting was E.L. Woolley's chanceless 48 which raised our hopes of at
least making a game of it. The belief that all Australians are Don Bradmans was quickly disproved by Lt Todd's performance with the bat.
It is regretted that the Scots were little better. This match had
comprehensive coverage in the national daily press ie. The Sabah
Times, and compliments were passed on the teams performance.
Because of the good performance shown in this match, invitations were
extended to all members whenever available, and consequently 3 or 4
members per week have found their way to the sports club.
A match was played at Tuaran against Kent College, the local teachers'
training centre. All available members of the detachment participated
in an extremely exhausting and rather wet 70 minutes football. A
noteable display of unorthodox goal-keeping was given by Lt Todd.
After a cracking first half with the score at 1 - 1 a sudden storm
washed away our chances and we finally sank 4 - 1.
It is hoped that members of this detachment will, whenever possible,
play for Jesselton Recreation Club during the forthcoming season.
Negotiations for this are in progress.
Table Tennis
An evening was spent at Kent College where were the visitors in a
table tennis match. It is regretted that two separate matches were
lost, though this was chiefly through lack of practice. The scores
5 - 0 and 3 - 2 S. Hyslop and J.R. Saunders winning, their singles
During the Queen's Birthday celebrations a match took place between
H.M.S. Cheviot (representing the Royal Navy) and Jesselton Town. Two
members of the detachment played for Jesselton, 2Lt J.M. Ure being
prominent in the Jesselton back division whilst several glimpses of
the mangled limbs of E.L. Woolley were obtained in scrums and loose
mauls. Despite the formidable appearance of the Cheviot's record, who
played a Scottish international Scrum half Jesselton played extremely
well to win by 9 pts to 3 pts in a fast and enjoyable game.
Mr Ure and E.L. Woolley recently visited, as guests, the house of a
member of the Radio Sabah Musical Society where a concert of classical
records was heard. The programme included works by Mendelssohn,
Schubert, Tchaikovsky and extracts from Von Suppe's light opera
"Boccaccio". The evening's music was very much appreciated after
months devoid of similar entertainment.
Several members of the detachment, though not professing to be
photographers, nevertheless possess cameras. The country is ideal for
landscape photography and some good shots have been achieved. Both J.R.
Saunders and A.R. Thomas have cine cameras so that eventually a full
length film may be compiled for the viewing of all.
Social Life
We have been extremely fortunate in our contact with the civilian
population, and at times members. have been able to lead a very full
social life.
Whilst at Tuaran a farewell party was held in our honour by the
District Officer Mr. D. Eisenhowor and his wife. Many eminent people
in the area attended a good time was had by all.
Mr D.Price, the Deputy Principal at Kent College, Tuaran, also threw a
party in our honour and his fine collection of records and. liquid
refreshment overwhelmed us all. It is regretted, since he is now on
leave in England, that Radio Sabah has lost its No 1 disc jockey,
Talking Shop
The M.T. section reports that he went into North Borneo Motors Ltd for
a ¼" bolt and was told they would have to send away to Singapore for
one (oh for the efficiency of HQ MT)
We are pleased to announce that in addition to the luxuries we already
enjoy we can now boast our own portable "transistor" radio.
Money from the swear box and funds from fines for minor misdemeanours
will soon enable us to buy our own helicopter to assist in field
It is hoped that we will have a dog - variety unspecified - as
detachment mascot in the near future.
With the arrival of the various units to the Kota Belud Training area
we have now got concessional rates of postage so that we now pay 10c
instead of 75c for mail to England. Also we can now get cheaper beer
and cigarettes through the NAAFI much to everyone's relief.
Some survey work is also being done when time permits.
The last Word
Well, there it is The Beacon has now become the unofficial organ for
unofficial organ for Squadron news, complaints, moans and groans with,
we hope, please the odd
bouquet thrown in. The members of the Borneo Detachment deserve
special mention because this bulletin was originally their idea.
They retained the initiative and were also the first and most prolific
of our correspondents.
The Squadron Seniors rallied grandly to make this first issue
possible, but it is your paper so don't leave it up to them for future
issues. Remember our motto - you write it, we will print it.
With thanks to Tim Walker for the original scans for this contribution.